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Gérard Encausse (Papus)


Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (1865-1916) – pseudonym ‘Papus’ – the Spanish-born French physician, hypnotist, and populariser of occultism, who founded the modern Martinist Order. His family moved to Paris when he was 4 years old, and he was educated there. As a young man, Encausse spent a great deal of time at the Bibliothèque Nationale studying the Kabbalah, occult tarot, magic and alchemy, and the writings of Eliphas Lévi. He joined the French Theosophical Society shortly after it was founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1884–1885, but he resigned soon after joining because he disliked the Society’s emphasis on Eastern occultism.

 Papus is primarily remembered as an author of books on magic, Qabalah (Kabbalah) and the Tarot, and as a prominent figure in the various occultist organizations and Parisian spiritualist and literary circles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Encausse’s pseudonym “Papus” was taken from Eliphas Lévi’s “Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana” (supplement to Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie) and means “physician.”

The definition of Kabbalah varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, to its later Christian, New Age, and Occultist/western esoteric syncretic adaptations. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe (God’s creation). It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of the concepts and thereby attain spiritual realisation.

In 1888, Papus co-founded his own group, the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. That same year, he and his friend Lucien Chamuel founded the Librarie du Merveilleux and its monthly revue L’Initiation, which remained in publication until 1914.

Encausse was also a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn temple in Paris (joining in 1895), as well as Memphis-Misraim and probably other esoteric or para-masonic organizations, as well as being an author of several occult books. He was also a spiritual student of the French spiritualist healer, Anthelme Nizier Philippe, “Maître Philippe de Lyon”.

Despite his heavy involvement in occultism and occultist groups, Encausse also pursued more conventional academic studies at the University of Paris. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1894, after which he opened a relatively successful clinic in the rue Rodin.

In 1891, Papus formed an organization commonly known as the Order of the Martinists, which was based on two extinct Masonic Rites: the Rite of Elus-Cohens or Elected Priests of Martinez Paschalis, or de Pasqually (c.1700-1774); and the Rectified Rite of Saint-Martin of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803). Papus claimed to have come into the possession of the original papers of de Pasqually and to have been given authority in the Rite of Saint-Martin by his friend Henri Viscount Delaage, who claimed that his maternal grandfather had been initiated into the order by Saint-Martin himself, and who had attempted to revive the order in 1887. The Martinist Order was to become a primary focus for Papus, and continues today as one of his most enduring legacies.

In 1893, Encausse was consecrated a bishop of l’Église Gnostique de France by Jules Doinel, who had founded this Church as an attempt to revive the Cathar religion in 1890. In 1895, Doinel abdicated as Primate of the French Gnostic Church, leaving control of the Church to a synod of three of his former bishops, one of whom was Encausse.

Encausse visited Russia three times, in 1901, 1905, and 1906, serving Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra both as physician and occult consultant. In October 1905, he allegedly conjured up the spirit of Alexander III, the Tsar Nicholas’s father, who prophesied that the Tsar would meet his downfall at the hands of revolutionaries. During their later correspondence, he warned them a number of times against the influence of Rasputin. Encausse’s followers allege that he informed the Tsar that he would be able to magically avert Alexander’s prophesy so long as Encausse was alive; Nicholas kept his hold on the throne of Russia until 141 days after Papus’s death.

Encausse opposed Masonry as being atheistic, in contrast to the Esoteric Christianity of the Gnostic Church, the Kabbalist Order of the Rose Cross and the Martinist Order. Despite this, he organized what was announced as an “International Masonic Conference” in Paris on June 24, 1908, and at this conference he received a patent from Theodor Reuss to establish a “Supreme Grand Council General of the Unified Rites of Antient and Primitive Masonry for the Grand Orient of France and its Dependencies at Paris.” When John Yarker died in 1913, Papus was elected as his successor to the office of Grand Hierophant (international head) of the Antient and Primitive Rites of Memphis and Mizraim.

When World War I broke out, Papus joined the French army medical corps. While working in a military hospital, he contracted tuberculosis and died in 1916, aged 51.

His works include:

Traité élementaire de science occulte (1888)
Le tarot des bohémiens (1889)
Traité méthodique de science occulte (1891)
Le tarot divinatoire (1909)
Traité méthodique de magie pratique (1932)
Le science des nombres (1934)
Elementary Treaty of Occult Science (1889)
Considerations on the Phenomena of Spiritualism (1890)
Methodical Treaty of Occult Sciences (1891)
Absolute Key to Occult Science: The Tarot of the Bohemians (1892)
The Science of the Magi and Its Theoretical and Practical Applications (1892)
Elementary Treaty of Practical Magic (1893)
Martines de Pasqually / His life – His Theurgic Practices – His Work His Disciples (1895)
Occultism and Spiritualism (1902)
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin / His life – His Theurgic Path – His
Works – His disciples (1902)
The Kabbalah: Secret Tradition of the West (1903)
Science of the Magi and Its Theoretical and Practical Applications (1905)
Essay of Synthetic Physiology (1909)
First Elements of Astrosophy (1910)
First Elements of Human Morphology (1912)

Benjamin Franklin’s List of 13 Virtues

Benjamin Franklin is famous for his list of 13 virtues, which he used as a personal code of conduct to help him live a moral and productive life. The virtues, as listed by Franklin in his autobiography, are:

  1. Temperance: Eat not to excess; drink not to excess; sleep not too little; neither too much. Avoid all kinds of excess.
  2. Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
  3. Order: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
  4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
  5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
  6. Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
  7. Sincerity: Use no hidden or dishonest dealings, but be open, plain, and honest in all your transactions.
  8. Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
  9. Modesty: Avoid vanity; be humble; avoid arrogance.
  10. Cleanliness: Keep both body and soul clean.
  11. Transquility: Be calm, quiet, and peaceful; avoid anger, impatience, and passion.
  12. Affability: Be friendly and kind to all; engage in cheerful conversation with every one.
  13. Gratitude: Be thankful for all the favors you receive.

These virtues were a significant influence on Franklin’s personal development and helped shape his character, making him one of America’s most influential founding fathers.

SOURCE: Mistral OpenAI Model

Twelve Zodiac Signs (by Aliza Kelly)

Triplicities refer to the four zodiac sign elements, of which there are three zodiac signs in each group: Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Generally speaking, fire signs are passionate and exuberant, earth signs are practical and grounded, air signs are intellectual and curious, and water signs are intuitive and emotional.

Quadruplicities, also known as “modalities,” refer to the signs’ qualities and where each zodiac sign occurs within its respective season. There are three modalities, with four zodiac signs in each: Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) occur at the beginning of a new season, and are excellent at taking action and starting initiatives; Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) occur in the middle of seasons, and are known to be steady, consistent forces that maintain movement; and Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) occur at the end of a season, and possess effortless fluidity well-suited to change and transformation.

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries loves to be number one. Naturally, this dynamic fire sign is no stranger to competition. Bold and ambitious, Aries dives headfirst into even the most challenging situations—and they’ll make sure they always come out on top! 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

What sign is more likely to take a six-hour bath, followed by a luxurious Swedish massage and decadent dessert spread? Why Taurus, of course! Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull. Like their celestial spirit animal, Taureans enjoy relaxing in serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sounds, soothing aromas, and succulent flavors. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That’s the Gemini experience in a nutshell. Spontaneous, playful, and adorably erratic, Gemini is driven by its insatiable curiosity. Appropriately symbolized by the celestial twins, this air sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Represented by the crab, Cancer seamlessly weaves between the sea and shore representing Cancer’s ability to exist in both emotional and material realms. Cancers are highly intuitive and their psychic abilities manifest in tangible spaces. But—just like the hard-shelled crustaceans—this water sign is willing to do whatever it takes to protect itself emotionally. In order to get to know this sign, you’re going to need to establish trust! 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Roll out the red carpet because Leo has arrived. Passionate, loyal, and infamously dramatic, Leo is represented by the lion and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. They’re delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and fiery, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate… well, themselves. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You know the expression, “if you want something done, give it to a busy person?” Well, that definitely is the Virgo anthem. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn’t afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Balance, harmony, and justice define Libra energy. As a cardinal air sign, Libra is represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra’s fixation on establishing equilibrium. Libra is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life — especially when it comes to matters of the heart. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Elusive and mysterious, Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Scorpio is a water sign that uses emotional energy as fuel, cultivating powerful wisdom through both the physical and unseen realms. In fact, Scorpio derives its extraordinary courage from its psychic abilities, which is what makes this sign one of the most complicated, dynamic signs of the zodiac. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Oh, the places Sagittarius goes! But… actually. This fire sign knows no bounds. Represented by the archer, Sagittarians are always on a quest for knowledge. The last fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius launches its many pursuits like blazing arrows, chasing after geographical, intellectual, and spiritual adventures. 

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

What is the most valuable resource? For Capricorn, the answer is clear: Time. Capricorn is climbing the mountain straight to the top and knows that patience, perseverance, and dedication is the only way to scale. The last earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, is represented by the sea-goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish. Accordingly, Capricorns are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms. 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Despite the “aqua” in its name, Aquarius is actually the last air sign of the zodiac. Innovative, progressive, and shamelessly revolutionary, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Accordingly, Aquarius is the most humanitarian astrological sign. At the end of the day, Aquarius is dedicated to making the world a better place. 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

If you looked up the word “psychic” in the dictionary, there would definitely be a picture of Pisces next to it. Pisces is the most intuitive, sensitive, and empathetic sign of the entire zodiac — and that’s because it’s the last of the last. As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson — the joys and the pain, the hopes and the fears — learned by all of the other signs. It’s symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces’ attention between fantasy and reality. 


The Azoth Symbols by John Sandbach

I have preserved this article for my personal studies. I do not embrace all of the details because my personal research is in progress. John is a very good artist has been studying for many years, so I have a great respect for his work.

The Azoth Symbols

Here are the Azoth Symbols. They energetically correspond to the Midheaven qualities of the degrees.
1: Colored sheet lightning flickering in the depths of an opal.
2: Falling to earth a shadow opens up a dark passageway.
3: An enlightened being in a cave is gazing out into the world.
4: Letters formed of writhing glowing snakes.
5: Sowers of grain are singing.
6: Mathematical formulae on a blackboard are wiggling and dancing.
7: Carefully sculpted trees and beyond them a tangled forest.
8: Palms bending and twisting in a hurricane.
9: A man slowly grinding the picture off a stone.
10: A white column which, over time, has partially sunk into the rich soil of a meadow.
11: From a slowly moving swan rippled circles spread out over a pond.
12: A man falling asleep feels his fears melting away.
13: Nature devas fecundating a landscape.
14: Wise people discussing the best way to instrument changes in their society.
15: The search for dark matter.
16: Warmth and love spreading both ways from a handshake.
17: An ancient culture is transporting gigantic stones.
18: Space aliens inviting some humans to come and see their world.
19: The portrait of a man grows younger and younger.
20: By intuition a healer chooses the proper remedy.
21: A pirate hands a woman a large gold coin.
22: A teacher gives her students a vision of the structure of the universe.
23: A man decides to spend the rest of his life in sight of a range of sacred mountains.
24: Laying in summer grass a man falls asleep and dreams of love.
25: In a garden in paradise a tree laden with secrets.
26: After birth, a group of baby rabbits huddle together sleeping.
27: People coming and going freely between parallel universes.
28: In moonlight the marigolds’ color softens and cools.
29: Behind a wall a river is flowing.
30: A sage concocts a powerful elixir which heals people suffering from a plague.
1: Melodies from a stringed instrument recall the beauty of ancient times.
2: A seer on a ship who has the ability to accurately guide it.
3: People seeking the Garden of Love.
4: A bard sings a haunting lay.
5: A hidden compartment in a box.
6: Under a blazing sun lions resting in shade.
7: Research leads a man from one book to another.
8: Inspired by a landscape a poet composes an ode.
9: Far from land, fish are playing.
10: Deep in the jungle a panoply of colorful birds and flowers.
11: Suddenly a vista from the past opens up.
12: Idlers going wherever the river takes them.
13: Bright sunlight on white daisies.
14: A sage looking up toward the summit of a mountain.
XV: A coven of elders sharing a meal during the full moon.
XVI: a love that has steadily endured for many lifetimes.
XVII: A man striving to overcome limiting beliefs.
XVIII: A host of beings swarming erratically while others above them move together in graceful harmony.
XIX: A plot unfolds as an author writes.
XX: Thousands of miles apart two people are looking at the moon at the same time.
XXI: Strong winds knowing exactly where the sailors need to go.
XXII: A gem cutter’s tools carefully sharpened and polished.
XXIII: A man and woman reading the inscription at the base of an obelisk.
XIV: On the summer solstice at sunrise a seer observes an important omen.
XXV: People hearing the songs of a chorus of invisible women.
XXVI: A home built for the emperor’s afterlife.
XXVII: From despair and sorrow a mind soars into the realm of higher potential.
XXVIII: A ritual gathering to celebrate the completion of a gigantic labyrinth.
XXIX: A road comes to an end, but a woman and her dog find their way beyond it.
XXX: A yellow diamond in a setting which depicts both the Sun and Moon.
I: A large diamond found in an area where diamonds are never found.
II: In an alpine valley thousands of wildflowers blooming.
III: A visionary lies in a dark room as she waits for signs and messages.
IV: a man who can see through the eyes of a high-flying bird.
V: A vast prairie which seems like a still sea of grass.
VI: A book of formulas.
VII: A game of chance offering a fabulous prize.
VIII: A full moon brightens the arctic night.
IX: A man travels through a dreary land under a louring sky.
X: A group of friends perform folk songs.
XI: A woman plunges into a river and absorbs its renewing spirit.
XII: People in a space ship on the verge of beginning a journey to another world.
XIII: a collection of coins and medals from a people who mysteriously disappeared.
XIV: Journeyers trekking through mountain snow.
XV: Drummers creating complex overlays of rhythms.
XVI: A doctor giving an elixir infused with diamonds to a blind man.
XVII: A holy man with closed eyes is hovering in the air and gently smiling.
XVIII: Forgotten words of wisdom suddenly at the right time recalled.
XIX: At the tip of Africa a ship is deciding whether to go north or south.
XX: The closer one looks into a fish bowl the more it appears to be a veritable sea teeming with life.
XXI: A dog gone for many months returns.
XXII: In a darkened room people wait silently and expectantly for a medium to speak.
XXIII: After having read a poem many times a man finally sees a deeper meaning in it.
XXIV: An ancient enlightened one transformed into a young man comes down from the mountain.
XXV: The stars of a galaxy feeling the exhilaration of their combined movement.
XXVI: Woman helping a maiden to don her wedding dress.
XXVII: A delicate species forced to seek a safer environment.
XXVIII: In a dim room incense creates a soothing atmosphere.
XXIX: Novelists discussing each others’ works.
XXX: Angels helping humans to perceive and understand more clearly.
I: Words seen for an instant on a leaf that suddenly blows away.
II: Before crossing the desert a man is buying camels.
III: High in the clouds the mirage of a crystalline lake.
IV: A child being schooled in the nature of the ego and how it creates suffering.
V: Characters from various books are laughing and joking with each other.
VI: A monk swinging a prayer wheel.
VII: Mythical stories being communicated through dances.
VIII: A seer has a vision of the Light’s ever-present and all-seeing eye.
IX: The sound of singing voices echoes through a dark, cavernous cathedral
X: A tree of ripe fruit discovered by hungry birds.
XI: A man in deep trance attuning to the center of our galaxy.
XII: In the dark depths of the ocean a glowing fish encountered.
XIII: An explorer sailing toward a wall of high, white cliffs.
XIV: A scroll on the wall. On it in calligraphy is a sacred text.
XV: A man seeing through veil after veil of illusion.
XVI: In white jugs dew from the sacred mountain.
XVII: A collection of vessels in a laboratory.
XVIII: A man playing traditional airs on an old lute.
XIX: A stuffed bird that is now extinct.
XX: A poet mesmerizing listeners with his wondrous poems.
XXI: A star sending a woman its healing radiance.
XXII: A dead poet’s poems finally published.
XXIII: A couple in a temple sense the presence of the spirits of enlightened beings.
XXIV: A man surprised by the reception of a precious gift.
XXV: In dreams a man visits fabled sites.
XXVI: At night angels implanting dreams of love and hope into the sleeping inhabitants of a city.
XXVII: The sky clouds over, causing shadows in a forest to disappear.
XXVIII: Men using their psychic powers to hurl spears great distances.
XXIX: A mechanical doll singing and dancing.
XXX: As a teacher teaches a school gradually appears around him.
I: A signet ring pressed into hot wax.
II: An argument over a detail of metaphysics.
III: A man teaching the practical application of spiritual principles.
IV: Ritual and prayer before the construction of a great temple.
V: Seekers arrive at a holy city.
VI: A glowing meteor speeding through the atmosphere.
VII: A pattern used to generate energy.
VIII: Bright flashes of electricity flashing through the atmosphere.
IX: An elaborate assemblage of symbols turns into a world.
X: Dreams vaguely beginning to appear on a screen.
XI: A milk maid feeding her cows.
XII: Golden teeth gleaming as a man laughs.
XIII: An enlightened one experiencing the eternal absolute underlying the ever-changing phenomena of physical existence.
XIV: Mist condensing on wildflowers.
XV: An engineer’s tools neatly arranged.
XVI: A messenger delivers an unexpected gift.
XVII: As people tend to look beyond shadows, lights begin to come out of their eyes.
XVIII: A cave in which people have lived for thousands of years.
XIX: All her life a woman sees mountains in the distance to which she has never gone.
XX: A gentle wise man attempting to resolve a conflict.
XXI: Runners flexing and warming up their legs.
XXII: A ring of violet fire protecting a man as it offers him inspiration.
XXIII: A plate covered with beautiful depictions of flowers.
XXIV: A nurse carefully notes the exact birth time of a baby.
XXV: While people sleep a blizzard blankets the forest.
XXVI: A man marks off a territory for himself.
XXVII: An author’s original intent is restored.
XXVIII: Young horses joyfully galloping across the land.
XXIX: An inventor of fireworks.
XXX: Fairies as tiny as mayflies dance in the sun’s rays.
I: Hidden deep in the forest a grand white house with porches and columns on its facade.
II: Children tasting many different kinds of fruit which they are picking off trees.
III: Boat makers selecting the best trees.
IV: A message waiting to be received.
V: A world erected by the minds of dreamers working together.
VI: A window is opened which allows a bird to escape to freedom.
VII: A woman being taught magic by two witches.
VIII: Sacred trees create a protective aura around a temple.
IX: A man in a foreign country in disguise. He is entering a site forbidden to outsiders.
X: A geode broken open and full of bright crystals.
XI: Birds thought to be extinct are seen flocking in trees high in the mountains.
XII: A lightning bolt strikes an open palm bring new life to a man.
XIII: Many bridges connecting the two halves of a city.
XIV: Someone write a book of imaginary future history.
XV: In a forest quartz crystals hanging from trees.
XVI: The sun leeching oil from rose petals into water.
XVII: In the far north, sailors come to an uninhabited island that is strangely warm.
XVIII: Heavy dark tools dirty with grease.
XIX: In an old house many rooms that have been shut up for years.
XX: A man crawling out through a hole in the top of his head.
XXI: Words written for specific people of future generations.
XXII: Bowls of nuts, fruits and grain offered to the Goddess.
XXIII: An alchemist in a cave digging out a shining black vein of hematite.
XXIV: A feeling of deep connection amongst a small group of friends.
XXV: In the night someone is softly singing in their sleep
XXVI: People carrying bundles of kindling from a forest.
XXVII: Transparent fish swimming in a sea of vivid blue.
XXVIII: A city that can hide in and be called forth from a magical gem.
XXIX: An explanation of a hidden reality.
XXX: A woman senses the interconnected and simultaneous growth of everything.
I: Tall, thin men traveling on unicycles.
II: Crows gathering in late autumn twilight.
III: On an altar a bowl full of darkness and a bowl full of light.
IV: A convoy of human landing on a new planet.
V: A man tuning in to the music of the spheres
VI: At land’s end a high rock and on it a tower.
VII: A pictographic inscription in a tomb.
VIII:An archangel coordinating the efforts of his angelic band.
IX: A carved marble ear has washed up on the beach.
X: A tree suggests to a man that he use one of its branches for a walking stick.
XI: Men meditating as they walk repeatedly around the walls of a sacred city.
XII: The Moon Goddess, leaving no footprints, walks across the moon.
XIII: On a winter day a maid has arisen to prepare a house for others’ awakening.
XIV: By sound an energy therapist mends a broken leg.
XV: A theoretical mathematician inventing formulae simply for the sake of their beauty.
XVI: Wind Gods directing a cloud dance.
XVII: A woman guiding someone else through the realms of dream.
XVIII: In the ruins of an ancient city an undiscovered passageway into an immense network of caves.
XIX: A glowing wreath of golden laurel leaves.
XX: A jester, clowns, and musicians entertaining revelers.
XXI: Beings who survive by changing their form.
XXII: The discovery of old letters which contain a solution to a long-unsolved mystery.
XXIII: Rites held under a sacred tree.
XXIV: A table of the movements of invisible planets.
XXV: One who has lost his sense of direction consults an oracle.
XXVI: At the end of the day bakers giving their bread to the poor.
XXVII: Hidden in books are memory chips which contain other books.
XXVIII: In a harbor the colossal statue of a goddess.
XXIX: A column of water spirals up out of the ocean and rains on the surrounding waters.
XXX: A spaceship preparing to make a jump through a wormhole.
I: In darkness an old woman climbing a circular stairway that she has climbed countless times before.
II: A spiritual leader carrying out a solemn public ritual which raises the vibrations of the populace.
III: Alchemists sharing, integrating and refining their formulae.
IV: Sailors approach a lush island that has been calling to them but which is not on their maps.
V: Many precious objects being heaped on an altar.
VI: An archaeologist carefully wiring together the bones of a dragon which he has unearthed.
VII: Deep in a mound an immense white termite queen is giving birth continuously.
VIII: A man lays in bed calmly listening to a poltergeist.
IX: Several thick volumes of dream journals which are filled with writings and drawings.
X: Heavy winning and losing at a gaming table.
XI: The spirits of cats roaming in the night.
XII: Rising through earth, water, and air a traveler is exploring.
XIII: The voice of one deceased is heard in the stillness.
XIV: An astrologer looking for a major conjunction of planets.
XV: A man seeking the truth behind a complex and confusing situation.
XVI: In wind and rain a funerary tumulus is seen on the steppes.
XVII: The king’s retinue on a secret journey.
XVIII: Bees pollinating a sunflower.
XIX: Unexpected visitors arrive, needing food and shelter.
XX: The diamond shield of a mythical king of old.
XXI: Small animals searching the forest for food.
XXII: A man hears an excited message with clarity and patience.
XXIII: Trees ripped from the ground by a violent storm.
XXIV: Healers returning to a place where they may recharge their energy.
XXV: An unknown language is being decoded.
XXVI: An old ruler decides to turn his kingdom over to his daughter.
XXVII: A piercing noise startles someone out of a reverie.
XXVIII: A man learning how a vast library is organized.
XXIX: Messages hidden in all the measurements of an ancient city.
XXX: An alchemist carefully weighing the ingredients of a formula then casually throwing in other ones.
I: A hidden pathway which magically and effortlessly carries one to the top of a mountain.
II: A camp where people have been hiding in a forest for centuries.
III: A blue beetle appears as a sign to a man.
IV: A city constructed to reflect and emanate universal harmony.
V: A man of simple words inspiring others.
VI: Dance music heard from afar invites people to festivities.
VII: Books organized by one method and then reorganized by another.
VIII: Frustrated in their search for higher consciousness people pursue novelty everywhere in the world.
IX: Grasslands teeming with insects and their sounds.
X: God worshiped in the form of a smooth, featureless stone.
XI: Wrestlers inventing new ways to entertain spectators.
XII: Water trickling off a series of high cliffs.
XIII: Looking up, a woman seeks a butterfly alighting on the outside of a glass dome.
XIV: Angels taking on new forms.
XV: An eye hanging in darkness is seeing deeply into reality.
XVI: Thoughts being exchanged by many people over great distances.
XVII: In a fireplace a fire flares up for a moment and a baby phoenix hops out of it.
XVIII: A love letter stuck in a holy book.
XIX: A man suddenly notices that a woman he’s known for a long time is beautiful.
XX: A man attempting to make robots that are ever more complicated.
XXI: A holy man explaining the various meanings of the many names of God.
XXII: Pointing to the sky, a shaman wills it to clear.
XXIII: A stream of butterflies moving north.
XXIV: A flock of birds rising out of a swamp.
XXV: Folk musicians and professional classical musicians playing together.
XXVI: A man is charting subtle irregularities in celestial movements.
XXVII: People proceeding methodically through a treasure house as they take inventory.
XXVIII: Freed from gravity, men dancing in space.
XXIX: A man seeing the underlying patterns and their spiritual meanings inherent in his past lives.
XXX: People sleeping as they travel near the speed of light.
I: The heart of a house is located, cleared of discordant energy, and strengthened.
II: An idea, like a tree, branches out in many different directions.
III: The answer to a question is murmured many hundreds of years after the question.
IV: In the night a prehistoric caveman hears the ticking of a clock.
V: People walking in a cool arcade of stone arches.
VI: Women of court walking softly so as not to disturb the lotus blossoms.
VII: In a river people washing away the imprints of memories.
VIII: A taste awakens memories of summer fields and groves.
IX: A man alone for many months is absorbed in writing a novel.
X: The print of a rabbit’s foot left in the soft mud of a garden.
XI: A man using colored lights to read a palimpsest.
XII: A man sensitized to the energies that each particular star emanates.
XIII: A man dreams of the Lords of Karma.
XIV: The star Sirius rises in the east.
XV: Candlelight glowing on a gold-leafed screen in a dim room.
XVI: A witch giving someone an apple from her orchard which is imbued with health-enhancing properties.
XVII: A group of notebooks of creative ideas that belonged to a famous author.
XVIII: A speaker intuiting what her audience needs to hear.
XIX: Small animals cautiously investigating each other.
XX: A small enclave of a secret society that has existed for centuries.
XXI: Thousands of messages sent by light beams.
XXII: The fairy court in its formal palace and dressed in all its finery.
XXIII: All sorts of flora and fauna spawning in spring.
XXIV: A man giving beggars money and other gifts.
XXV: In the middle of a bustling city a man walks alone among tombstones and mausoleums.
XXVI: A man is wandering through a map of the universe.
XXVII: Knights journeying through a forest in search of a dragon.
XXVIII: The return of a man who has been exploring hidden realms.
XXIX: Clouds pausing over a mountain because they are drawn to its energy field.
XXX: When consumed, waters from a spring which comes from a deep cave are causing drinkers to maintain eternal youth.
I: Little scavengers seeking morsels.
II: Waking in the night a man realizes a solution to a problem.
III: Journeyers reaching a vista overlooking a forested valley.
IV: The crying of gulls over the ocean.
V: Archives which no one has looked into for many years.
VI: Beings of high evolution doing what they can to help humanity.
VII: As they descend, mountain streams are finding each other.
VIII: Old problems brought up and re-assessed.
IX: A rainbow is feeding its colors to a garden.
X: A man creating an intricate stained glass window.
XI: At sunset a shepherd watches his peaceful flock.
XII:A man learning several different ways of meditating.
XIII: In the spiritual realm a temple where many souls come to commune with each other.
XIV: A woman finds a lock of hair she kept, but can’t remember whose it is.
XV: A man cataloging asteroids and giving names to the nameless ones.
XVI: Two arms of a bay spanned by a golden causeway.
XVII: At noon a woman looks directly overhead at the sun which seems to blaze white.
XVIII: A man on a shore witnessing ocean fog as it drifts toward him.
XIX: An astrologer helping an alchemist to harmoniously time his operations.
XX: On a small, remote island a man recording his visions.
XXI: Clay forming itself into fantastic shapes.
XXII: Through a wormhole a man views the movements of a vast beautiful nebula.
XXIII: A sacred text used to bless and heal.
XXIV: A man overcome with a sense of great peace and clarity.
XXV: At a spinning wheel dreams and visions are being spun into realities.
XXVI: By secret signs members are led to a place of meeting.
XXVII: Blank paper waiting to receive ideas.
XXVIII: Wanderers find a place they decide to make their home.
XXIX: A man considering all the various lifetimes he might live.
XXX: Spiritual laws placed everywhere as reminders.
I: Gifts falling from heaven, some being caught in grateful hands, others disappearing just before they hit the ground.
II: At a dinner people enjoying what their garden has produced.
III: A man with wings like a dragonfly.
IV: Wonderful paintings discovered in a junk store.
V: A bridge that has been difficult to build is in the final stages of completion.
VI: A wizard touches a crystal ball to his forehead, attuning it to his third eye.
VII: A space alien implants a microchip in a sleeping man’s leg.
VIII: Materials and workers assembled, a pause before beginning the great task.
IX: A man covered with all sorts of ornaments.
X: As a man sleeps an eye in his forehead opens.
XI: The Moon pulling on the liquids in the bodies of sleepers.
XII: A horn used to convey messages over long distances.
XIII: Drinking an elixir of dandelions a man feels deep tensions within him relaxing and dissolving.
XIV: Deep in a cave a young boy discovers a fire elemental.
XV: A bright polished sword is maintained untouched and unused.
XVI: Someone finding new and meaningful arrangements of numbers.
XVII: Someone helping a distraught woman to open to angelic love.
XVIII: A drawbridge interrupting traffic.
XIX: Little whirlpools of dust in the twilight.
XX: Clouds taking on strange patterns that seem to mean something.
XXI: Someone thinks he sees in the distance the ghost of an old man walking across a moor.
XXII: Sailors about to be lured off course by the sound of seductive singing.
XXIII: In the heat of the summer, spiritual lessons quietly offered in the shade.
XXIV: A man visits his own history in the Akashic Records.
XXV: A beautiful city suffused with an emerald glow.
XXVI: On a lawn boys chasing a ball that seems to have a life of its own.
XXVII: A man, having fainted, returns with the memory of a dream.
XXVIII: Dawn’s first gleams on a golden dome.
XXIX: a line in a drawing is reminding a woman of many things.
XXX: An object of great beauty unearthed.

SOURCE: The Azoth Symbols – John Sandbach

All Is One, Let’s Have Some Fun (Electronica Song)

I finished the lyrics and music today, but still need to finish the final video. Enjoy.

All Is One, Let’s Have Some Fun.

All is One,
Let’s have some fun.
Be who we are,
As every man and woman is a star.

All Is One, come on, come on, Let’s have some fun.

Seven-hundred and seventy-seven,
Can lead you to heaven.
If you climb the tree,
You will be set free.

All Is One, come on, come on, Let’s have some fun.

Light, Life and Love.
As Below, So Above.
These keys I share,
May not always seem fair.

All Is One, come on, come on, Let’s have some fun.

But know that you are free,
And fate or destiny, is all about thee.
Love is the Key to true Liberty.
Love Is The Law, and Do what Thou Will.
Just open your eyes and see!

All Is One, come on, come on, Let’s have some fun.

Know Your Higher Self and the Master Within BEFORE You Create Your Magical Personality

Knowing your higher self or the Master within is easier said than done. This can only be accomplished through inner meditation and a strong sense of understanding and Oneness. Many mystics wish to jump straight into magical work. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but instead, it can become an option that can bring much chaos and confusion. Knowing Thyself is the most important esoteric principle, which can be attained in so many ways, such as, life’s experiences, meditation, reflection, communion, spiritual alchemy, Tarot, Kabbalah, magical and spiritual workings, and the list could go on.
To the subject at hand, magical work and esoteric studies can be so appealing to the seeker mystic and at first glance appears more interesting or more empowering, but this can be an illusion which can lead you on a path of chaos.
Focus first on your personal well-being physically, mentally, psychologically, all in the interest of stability and knowing yourself. Once you feel like you have meditation and yourself balanced, then it will make more sense to explore the magical realm and grow in a balanced way. For those who completely understand what is being said here, most likely have learned from experience, and for those who question this approach, do what you feel is best for you now and then look back on this article as a waypoint in life’s experience. Peace Profound.

Thinking and Learning Styles

Thinking Styles and Learning Styles


I.  Definition of Training Piece

A.  Purpose for Instructor

If you and nine of your colleagues were asked to find the best way to travel to Chicago for a conference beginning on Friday, would all of you choose the same route? What if 10 of your students were given the same task? In this instance, an individual’s interpretation of “best” will influence how he/she chooses to get to Chicago. Does best mean fastest? Cheapest? Would driving be the best method if you were able to bring your family on the trip? Would taking the train be the best means if you had never taken a train before or were afraid of flying? Even when directions or explanations are given clearly, individuals interpret them differently. The way we communicate with one another and interpret the communication depends on the way our brains translate the given task. And the way our brains translate depends on our brain dominance and preferred thinking styles. Our bodies provide examples of dominance between paired structures. We each have a favored hand, foot, and eye. We also have parts of our brains that we favor in given circumstances. These “favorites” make up our preferred thinking styles. These styles influence the way we teach and the way our students learn.

By the end of this module, you will be able to identify the 8 key characteristics of the brain and understand the four quadrants that make up the whole brain model. You will also be able to identify what thinking styles you prefer and develop a plan to assist your students to identify their preferred and less preferred styles and to use this information to be better learners.

B.  Material Covered

This content module will introduce you to the basics of the brain dominance/thinking styles theory put forth by Ned Herrmann. It is a physiological approach to the way we think, learn and communicate. The module will review the basic characteristics of the four quadrants of Herrmann’s thinking and learning styles as well as offer practical application exercises, relevant research and helpful resources for those seeking more information.

II.  Foundation

A.  Definition of Concept & Theory

People learn in many different ways. The brain is the source of who we are and how we learn. Ned Herrmann combined research on right brain/ left brain differences with research on the Triune brain to create a metaphorical model that illustrates that each person basically has four brains when it comes to the process of thinking and learning. Depending on which quadrants we engage, our learning processes can be very different. Brain dominance leads to thinking style preferences, which impact what we pay attention to and how and what we learn best. Each of these four “brains” or quadrants is listed below with words that typically characterize a person who uses that thinking style. The four thinking styles are:

A:   The Rational Self (Upper or Cerebral Left Brain)
B:   The Safekeeping Self (Lower or Limbic Left Brain)
C:   The Feeling Self (Lower or Limbic Right Brain)
D:   The Experimental Self (Upper or Cerebral Right Brain)

A Rational Self

knows how things work
knows about money
likes numbers
is realistic
is critical
is logical

D Experimental Self

is curious/plays
likes surprises
breaks rules
is impetuous takes risks

B Safekeeping Self

is neat
is reliable
gets things done
establishes procedures
takes preventative action

C Feeling Self

talks a lot
is emotional
is expressive
is supportive
touches a lot
likes to teach
is sensitive to others

You may see yourself in more than one quadrant. The research indicates that people may use more than one style primarily. In fact, a majority of people has at least two primary quadrants. Each person can have primary preferences (areas of the brain he/she goes too easily and enjoys), secondary preferences (areas of the brain that can be and are accessed when necessary) and tertiary preferences (areas a person may have difficulty accessing or may even avoid). You also don’t need to identify with everything in the quadrant to have some strength there. People have varying degrees of dominance in the quadrants.
[There is an instrument available called the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument or HBDI that provides a full profile of an individual. A student thinking styles instrument is also in production. For more information, see section V]

Teaching and Learning Theory: This model allows students to see the full potential of the brain and their abilities and to take an honest look at where their preferences and avoidance’s are without confining themselves to simply one style or label as a thinker and learner. The model also proclaims that preferences are wonderful and knowing our preferences can give us powerful information about who we are and what type of work we might enjoy. But having a certain thinking or learning style does not excuse us from interacting with a world of varying styles. We need to understand how to communicate and learn from and teach others with different styles.

Each quadrant has preferred learning activities. The A quadrant thinkers prefer quantifying, analyzing, theorizing and processing logically. The B quadrant thinkers prefer organizing, sequencing, evaluating and practicing. The C quadrant thinkers prefer sharing, internalizing, moving and being involved. The D quadrant thinkers prefer exploring, discovering, conceptualizing and synthesizing.

B.  Summary of Relevant Research

This module explores the whole brain model established by Ned Herrmann. Research indicates that there are eight key brain-thinking characteristics that impact the way we think and learn. Our brains are unique, specialized, situational, interconnected, iterative, dominant, malleable, and whole. Our brains are unique just like our fingerprints. No two people have the same brain pattern. Our brains are also specialized. Different areas of the brain are responsible for different functions including writing, seeing, naming, and hearing. Our brains are iterative because they have billions of neurons with millions of interconnections. Iteration means that we are able to move back and forth within our brains using different parts of our brains to complete complex tasks. We also use our brain situationally. We have the ability to “turn on” the part of the brain that we need in a given situation. Parts of our individual brains take dominance over other parts. Our brains are malleable and whole. The brain is so malleable that there are virtually no inherent constraints. All of these characteristics emphasize a whole brain that we each have access to, but certain parts of our brains become dominant determining our thinking and learning preferences.

There is a great body of research on the left brain/ right brain division and how it affects a person’s thought processes. Roger Sperry’s early work with schizophrenic patients is particularly intriguing. By now, most of us recognize left brain thinking to include analytic, fact-based and logical approaches and right brain thinking to include insightful creative approaches. Another researcher, Dr. Paul MacLean, proposed the Triune brain theory. His research indicates that we really have three brains each superimposed over the earlier brain: the reptilian brain, the limbic system and the neo-cortex. Both the limbic and the neocortex have two halves, a right and left side. Ned Herrmann combined Sperry’s work and MacLean’s research to create his whole brain model, which emphasizes the fact that there are really four parts of the brain where dominance’s exist: Cerebral left, Limbic Left, Limbic Right and Cerebral Right. These four styles were discussed in “Definition of Concept & Theory” as quadrants A, B, C, & D. This metaphorical model allows for variation among individuals who are “right brained” or “left brained” and along with the measurement of an individual’s level of mental preference for each of the quadrants creates a model that is more inclusive and more accurate for students who are interested in exploring their thinking and learning styles.

III.  Benefits

A.  Instructor

By learning about our own preferences and understanding the diversity of thinking styles our students possess, we are able to insure that students understand what we are teaching even if they have very different styles from our own. We can do this by incorporating elements and activities that reach all learning styles. For instance, an English teacher who assigns a paper and tells students the paper should be “as long as it takes to effectively make your argument” will be well received by students with primary preferences in D. But a student with a B preference is likely to be immobilized by the lack of specific direction. The instructor could alleviate much of the B student’s fear by simply giving a range of pages for the assignment and an outline of what makes an effective argument. An instructor who incorporates all learning styles into his teaching will find more receptive students experiencing less difficulty in his courses.

B.  Student

It’s a diverse world, and probably the greatest diversity our students will ever encounter is the diversity of thinking styles because there are literally as many ways of thinking as there are people in the world. Collaboration and the ability to work effectively in a team environment is continually reported as one of the top attributes employers are looking for in college graduates. It is often ranked above professional content knowledge. The key to collaboration is effective communication, and the key to effective communication is to understand both yourself and your colleague. By helping students recognize their preferred and less preferred styles, we are also assisting them with college. Not all instructors will embrace the idea of adapting their teaching to all styles, and certain elements of life and learning will always favor certain styles. Students will be better prepared to negotiate these courses if they can understand the thinking style in use and adapt their studying and note-taking to their own more preferred styles. A student who learns to understand and appreciate all styles will more easily adapt to new challenges in college, at work and in his/her personal relationships.

IV.  Implementation

A.  Exploration Exercises for Instructor

Exploration 1:
To begin to determine your own preferred thinking and teaching styles, complete the exercise below by circling the 8 work elements that you enjoy the most. Which quadrants best represent your preferences as a teacher? Now, underline up to 4 work elements that you enjoy the least. Which quadrants are you least likely to explore in your teaching?

Thinking Styles Assessment for Educators

figure 1

Exploration 2:

Choose a topic that you will be teaching in the next few weeks and integrate elements and activities that represent all 4 learning styles. Use the information below to assist you.


“A” Learner


  • Precise, to the point, information
  • Theory & logical rationales
  • Proof of validity
  • Research references
  • Textbook reading
  • Quantifiable numbers, data sets, problems
  • Opportunity to ask challenging questions
  • Subject matter expertise

Struggles with

  • Expressing emotions
  • Lack of logic
  • Vague, imprecise concepts or ideas
“D” Learner


  • Fun and spontaneity
  • Playful, surprising approaches
  • Pictures, metaphors, overviews
  • Discovery of the content
  • Freedom to explore
  • Quick pace and variety in format
  • Opportunity to experiment
  • New ideas & concepts

Struggles with

  • Time management and deadlines
  • Administration and details
  • Lack of flexibility
“B” Learner


  • An organized consistent approach
  • Staying on track, on time
  • Complete subject chunks
  • A beginning, middle, and end
  • Opportunity to practice & evaluate
  • Practical applications
  • Examples
  • Clear instructions/expectations

Struggles with

  • Risk
  • Ambiguity
  • Unclear expectations/directions
“C” Learner


  • Group discussion & involvement
  • To share & express feelings/ideas
  • Kinesthetic, moving around
  • Hands-on learning
  • Personal connection with teacher/group
  • Emotional involvement
  • A user-friendly learning experience
  • Use of all the senses

Struggles with

  • Too much data and analysis
  • Lack of personal feedback
  • Pure lecture, lack of participation

Used by permission from the Ned Herrmann Group, 2075 Buffalo Creek Road, Lake Lure NC 28746

B.  Student Exercises

Print out a copy of “Your Four Selves” from the “Definition of Concepts & Theory” section for each of your students. Have students put a “1” next to descriptors most like them, a “2” next to descriptors somewhat like them and a “3” next to descriptors least like them. Then have them tally each quadrant. Have students find the quadrant with the lowest score. This is likely to be the quadrant they prefer the most. Group students by preferred quadrants and have them discuss the following:

  1. Explain how these characteristics describe you.
  2. What courses or subjects do you like the most and why?


Now have the students find the quadrant with the highest score. This is likely to be the quadrant they least prefer. Group them again, this time with other students who share their least preferred quadrant and have them discuss the following questions:

  1. What would a course look like if the teacher taught entirely in this mode?
  2. What one characteristic from this quadrant’s list could you choose to try for a week? How would you begin?


C.  Skill Connection

  1. New Technologies: Technology has added an array of possibilities for teaching and has made it easier than ever to create assignments that encourage all four thinking styles. The “A” learner has access to current research information on the web. The “B” learner appreciates the practical application that computer software and simulations provide. The “C” learner is able to communicate with both classmates and teachers through email and chat rooms. And the “D” learner can create his/her own learning with software presentation tools like Power Point and Inspiration. For more information about technology resources, view the New Technologies Module.
  2. Paired Courses: Another interesting way to meet the needs of all learners is to link or “pair” two courses. Students have the opportunity to see the relationship of the two subjects and explore the subjects with the assistance of two instructors. Instructors also have the advantage of working with a partner to help create environments that honor all learning styles. To further explore the concept of ways to integrate all four styles into teaching, visit the Paired Courses Module.

V.  Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If I know all my students are primarily C quadrant learners, should I direct all my teaching methods to that quadrant?
A: No. Even if all of your students were entirely C quadrant learners (with tertiary preferences in the other three quadrants) and you had the same profile, this wouldn’t be the most effective method of teaching. You would probably have a very happy and harmonious classroom, but your students would be missing out on some important lessons. Research suggests that students learn best when they have moments in class where they are working in their preferred learning styles. This gives them the opportunity to feel comfortable and connect with the material. But research also suggests that it’s equally important for students to experience other styles, so they can expand their repertoire and be prepared when they encounter teachers, bosses and even spouses with different preferred styles.

Q: Is the brain dominance theory and the whole brain concept valid? What proof exists?
A: The brain dominance concept has been strongly validated in a number of different ways; First, through the research and experimentation of leaders in the field including Roger Sperry, Robert Ornstein, Henry Mintzberg, and Michael Gazzanniga. Secondly, it has been validated by the hundreds of EEG experiments carried out personally by Ned Herrmann. Third, it has been further validated by the public demonstrations conducted by Ned Herrmann over the past 15 years. Fourth, it has been validated by specific validation studies carried out by C. Victor Bunderson and James Olsen of Wicat and later by C. Victor Bunderson and Kevin Ho, and in parallel with those studies by validation experiments carried out by Schadty and Potvin at the University of Texas. Additional validation comes from the more than 60 doctoral dissertations based on both the HBDI and the whole brain concept.

VI.  Helpful Resources

Learn more about the Herrmann Whole Brain Model or the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI): This web site provides detailed information on the HBDI and validity of the model. It also provides information about books and articles written by Ned Herrmann including The Creative Brain.

Learn more about left brain/right brain theory and learning styles: This web site, created by the Center for Teaching Excellence, provides a variety of learning style application exercises. This web site examines four learning style models that have been used effectively in education: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Kolb’s Learning Style Model
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)
Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model This web site designed by Because We Care Education Society of Alberta provides a wealth of links to various learning style inventories.

Workshop Information to attend a workshop on this topic or bring one to your campus, visit this site or call Faculty Training at (800) 856-5727.

SOURCE: Houghton Mifflin College – Thinking Styles and Learning Styles – Printer Friendly (


Respected Esoteric Orders and Mystery Schools (August 2021)

Rosicrucian Order, AMORC –

The established Rosicrucian initiatory and fraternal organization based originally based on Harvey Spencer Lewis’s works.


Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) –

An esoteric school based on Paul Foster Case’s work with the Tarot and Qabalah


Servants of the Light (SOL) – Servants of the Light | We Teach Practical Qabalah

An esoteric school established by Dion Fortune


Brotherhood of Light (BOL) – | Home of the Authentic Brotherhood of Light Lessons on the Hermetic Sciences

An esoteric school developed based on A. Zain’s focus on astrological concepts.


Brotherhood of the Eternal Light (BOEL) – Brotherhood of the Eternal Light – BOEL – Mystery School for the Study of Qabbalah, Magic and the Western Mystery Tradition (

A continuation and expansion of the BOL, but founded by long-time BOL member Delores Ashcroft-Nowicki.


Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (GD) – The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn® (

This hermetic school is based on the long-time Golden Dawn and is currently facilitated by Chic and Tabatha Cicero.


Ordus Templi Orientus (OTO) – (and) US Grand Lodge – Ordo Templi Orientis (

An magical school based on Alister Crowley’s works.


Church of the Hermetic Sciences – Ordo Templi Astarte/Temple of Asterte (CHS/OTA) – The Church of The Hermetic Sciences, Inc. – Promoting and Advancing the Western Esoteric Tradition Since 1971 (


There are a few more that I would also refer to, all based on the mystic’s interest, focus, maturity, personal responsibility, mental stability, consciousness and overall attitudes.

I cannot recommend organizations that are based on a single leader guru or dogma without individual thought and challenge.

More references and details at Ezoteric and Occult Organizations ( but many of the links are bad, as Orders and Schools come and go by the decades.